Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Tide

This is a poem I wrote awhile ago. In retrospect it was crazy because I was foretelling the end of something that had not yet come, but I knew it would. Strange how that happens...

The Tide

I stand alone and greet the tide

Against an ocean vast and blue

I plead for it to draw me in

If only it pulls me to you

While waves and breakers crush my frame

I labor just to find the air

To fill my chest with tender breath

And fill my dreams with thoughts not dared

Each movement sinks me further still

My arms and legs my enemy

This lonely effort is my own

I rage against my deep dark sea

My eyes find you safe on the shore

You had ignored the sinking deep

The tide it never pulled you in

To the same dark water as me

My weary spirit soon submits

To waters stronger than I knew

I struggle not and sink with peace

Into the dark and icy blue

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